Each 4th Sunday of the month, between 7-8pm GMT, a group of garden bloggers join together on Twitter to discuss a range of questions within a subject. The subject this month was Photography and Blogging. This was chat number 10 that has been hosted. Questions are set by moderators and end with a #gdnbloggers so that people will be able to follow the hashtag. Answers contain A1,2,3, or 4, the number refers to the question number, so as not to confuse the answer with a different question.
On Sunday 27th November 2016, DiscoverHorticulture joined in with the conversation over on Twitter and what is listed below is the questions followed up by the answers given by DiscoverHorticulture.
Q1. How important is photography to you as a blogger? Secondary to the words? An afterthought? Or of equal importance? #gdnbloggers
A1. Recently started blogging so still trying to learn the ropes of the correct ratio of photographs and words. #gdnbloggers
A1. Trying to find what pictures are relevant to the blog post can also be tricky if talking about a generic subject. #gdnbloggers
Q2. What do you use to capture your images? Something fancy, or does your phone do the job? #gdnbloggers
A2. Unaware just yet as to which is best but always carry an iPad, android phone and DSLR when photographing plants #gdnbloggers
A2. End up carrying the heaviest bag with spare batteries and sd cards so probably not the most sensible way #gdnbloggers
A2. Sometimes it is hard to juggle all of them at once #gdnbloggers
Q3. Do you spend much time editing your images, and if so, what's your process?
A3. Apart from procrastination then editing photos takes maximum of 5 minutes to get the right "look" #gdnbloggers
A3. To edit pictures normally use large desktop pc and photoshop for best resolution viewing #gdnbloggers
A3. Using Photoshop to crop or change a light balance and to add a watermark is becoming a preferred method #gdnbloggers
Q4. How do you organise your photo library? #gdnbloggers
A4. Photos stored everywhere including portable hard drive. In lots of folders and organised by date #gdnbloggers
A4. Even with that most of the time can't find the wanted picture #gdnbloggers
A4. But also struggle when trying to find the name of the plant in the garden to be able to find it later in library #gdnbloggers
A4. How do you organise the photos when you are unsure of the name of the plant because you couldn't find its label? #gdnbloggers
A4. Do you upload to an online storage area such as Google photos or Flickr? #gdnbloggers
A4. Do you include garden visits into the folders of month or do you make a seperate folder? #gdnbloggers
There were a lot of questions involved but ultimately there were also a lot of answers. Please feel free to add your answers in the comment section below, as it would be interesting to see what other people think of the questions.
A photo is often the inspiration for my blog. It will trigger the idea. I use a DSLR and love it. Do not spend much time editing, just re-sizing for web and any adjustments all done in Photoshop. Download and re-sizing is a little time consuming but I don't have a smartphone and I like the quality of my pics. I label my pics with the botanical plant name and therefore finding them is easy.